Rilievo temperatura

Temperature measurement along the water column

The measurement of the temperature can give essential information on the presence of possible thermal anomalies. Even if data of the temperature of surface waters of the Mediterranean are available on the net, and some automatic oceanographic buoys managed from research institutes exist, periodical measurements of temperature profiles in the water column, especially near the coasts, are lacking.

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Scubapro-Uwatec offers its technology for the underwater scientific research collaborating to the "Coastal Environment Monitoring Project " (MAC), promoted by researcher of the University of Genoa, Bologna and the Polytechnic of the Marche, in collaboration with marine protected areas, diving schools and diving centres. The last generation of Uwatec - Scubapro underwater computers memorize the temperature of the water, during the dive, every 4 seconds. The recorded data can be transferred on a personal computer (Windows or Mac OS X Systems) through an infrared interface, using the software SmartTrak or J-Trak. The data and the time are recorded in the logbook, and in addition it is possible to annotate the locality and the geographic coordinates where the dive took place.
With the correct procedure to export the dive profiles, the program gives all the data of depth and temperature that can be sent by e-mail to the investigators for the successive elaborations and analyses. In this way the researcher can analyse the data and obtain important information such as the depth of the thermocline and the average variations of temperature. This information is very important in order to interpret the phenomena connected to the increasing of temperature. Such anomalies have serious effects on the natural equilibriums of the flora and the marine fauna, often determining extended mortalities of numerous species. Information collected by volunteers, recorded during the entire year, bring an elevated amount of data. The results obtained by such collaboration represent a valid dataset for understand this kind of phenomena.

Site with available temperature data

Ingrandisci mappa

How to send the data

The temperature data saved in the computers Scubapro Uwatec compatible with Smart Trak (Smart PRO, Smart COM, Smart TEC, Smart Z, Aladine ONE, Aladin PRIME and Aladin TEC, etc.) can easily be sent following these simple instructions.
1.Transfer the data of the dive on your own PC using the software Smart Trak
2. Fill in with attention the data relative to the place of dive entering in the appropriate space also the geographic coordinates.
3. Select in the diving schedule all the dives done in the Mediterranean and the ones of which you want to send the temperature data
4. Select the voice in the menu Logbook -> Export...
5. In the dialogue box select the format "Logbook Smart Track"
6. To name the file just insert your own operator code, for example: 10.slg
7. Attach the file

Upload file .slg (up to 4Mb)

script by Jsoftware

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